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We are selling a working UNKNOWNP private cheat for the PUBG battle royale

You can buy UNKNOWNP for the PUBG game online on our website

Cheat system Requirements

Anti-cheats: BattlEye (BE): Undetected;
Operating systems: Windows 10 and Windows 11 up to 23h2 build;
Processors: Intel and AMD;
The functionality of the program
ESP with visibility check
  • Distance in m
  • Group Id
  • Box
  • Health Bar
  • Health Value
  • Bot check
  • External Rendering (very safe)
Aimbot (There's a big chance of a ban, maybe on an update!)
  • Aimkey
  • Smoothing
  • FOV
  • Aim Delay
  • Aim Distance
Learn more about the software

UNKNOWNP is a working private cheat for the PUBG Battle royale. It does not have a large set of features, but at least uses a modern way to bypass anti-cheat, which provides users with a minimal chance of blocking. Wallhack in cheat will show the exact location of the enemy who is hiding behind the walls. AimBot will move the mouse cursor to the specified part of the opponent's body.

The software was created by a fairly well-known German developer, who has a dozen programs for popular games in his arsenal. If we talk specifically about PUBG, its cheat is Simple. A well-known program. It is often bought and extended. Recently, I decided to create an alternative version of the program, we will change the appearance of the software itself and its internal content.

We expect the same quality as Simple, so we hurried to put the program on the website.