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Buy a secure NAIM cheat, an aimbot powered by a neural network

I present to your attention a reliable secure cheat based on a neural network. Allows you to move the mouse cursor to a specific part of the opponent's body in all shooters. You didn't imagine it. You can use the program in almost any game where it is possible to shoot and there is a need to aim at the enemy. Smart AI algorithms will allow you to aim accurately. In addition, there is the possibility of automatic firing, speed control. Displays a frame around the enemy it is attacking. Displays a red indicator above the enemy who is attacking and an orange indicator above the one who is next.You will see the aiming radius of the aimbot. There are many additional settings that will allow you to adjust the program to your style of play. The program has thousands of users who are winning all kinds of shooters at the moment. Reliable, responsive developer, well-coordinated team. After payment, they help with the launch and give each new user his own version of the program. This further reduces the chance of getting blocked.

You can buy an AIMBOT cheat for the PUBG game online on our website

You will not receive detailed instructions after payment. There will be a contact for a technical specialist who will help you launch the program. Each new user creates their own version of the software. In any case, you will need to write to support and provide the key, which you will receive after payment. And they will make an assembly for you.

Cheat system requirements

Operating systems - Windows 10, 11, including 24h2.
Processors: Intel and AMD.
All kinds of mice and keyboards.

There are three bypass versions in the cheat.
The first one is default. Easy to start, no need to bother disabling security services on your computer. They are used by those who are as far away from basic computer knowledge as possible and how to disable security services.
The second version is Driver Private. For it to work, it is necessary to perform standard actions for the software to work. Disable security services, Secure boot in the bios, and kernel isolation on the computer. Exactly what users of other cheats do.
The third version is the safest. For it, you need to purchase KmBox, the NET version. You can order KmBox on ozone, wb, alie. Maybe they sell it on Avito. The price is around 3 thousand rubles. This bypass method is used in games with complex anti-cheats. This is not necessary for PUBG, but technical support can advise and tell you where to order. You should not buy it in advance. First, pay for the product, they will build it for you, and they will give you the software. Or warn the technical specialist in advance that you would like to run the cheat through KmBox - they will help and answer all your questions.

You buy one program, and it works in hundreds of different shooters. KmBox is mainly needed in Warface, Valorant, Faceit. You don't need a second computer.
NAIM PUBG Functionality
- Sensitivity: Adjust the aiming speed.
- Target: Auto | Head | Body - Definition of the target.
- Recoil Control (RCS): Disabled | Low | Medium| High| Ultra| Extra - Adjust the recoil control force.

Help (Assist):
- Delay: The time of activation of the help after the last use of the neural network bind.
- Binds: The ability to install up to two binds to activate AIM.

- Speed: Adjusts the rate of automatic firing.
- HitChancer: Simulates game physics to calculate the spread level.

Visual Effects (Visuals):
- Visible ESP (Box): Shows a frame around the attacked enemy.
- Visible ESP: The red indicator is above the current target and the orange indicator is above the next one.
- AimBot/Neural FOV: Aim/Neural network aiming radius display.
- FPS: Information about FPS and detected enemies in the corner of the screen.
- Confidence: An indicator of the neural network's confidence near the enemy.
- Hiding visual effects/errors: Configure the security of displaying visual effects and logs.
- OBSbypass: Hiding menus and visual effects when recording the screen.
- Hide: Removes the menu from the taskbar and the Alt+Tab menu.
- Always on top (AlwaysTop): The menu is displayed on top of the game.
- Watermark: Information about the NAIM version in the upper right corner.
- Tab: Displays information about the settings and the table of players using the Tab key.

Neural Network:
- Model: Model Selection: Lite is Fast, Pro is Accurate, Ultra is The Best.
- Do not detect lying enemies: Ignoring lying targets.
- Dynamic FOV: The neural network tracks enemies all over the screen, the FOV moves behind the target.
- FOV Neural/AimBot: Setting up the FOV vision of the neural network and aiming in general.
- Add scripts: Adding a custom script or .py/.napi file.
- Documentation (Docs): A guide for developing scripts on NAPI.
- Editing Panel (editPanel): Script management and information viewing.
- Scripts list: A list of installed scripts available for running.
- NAPI's: Creating and uploading scripts

- Profile: Shows your account details, including login, role, ID, registration date, and remaining time.
- PCStats: Demonstrates NAIM performance on your device and evaluates compatibility on a 10-point scale.
- Activation Keys: Activate the keys you have purchased or won.
- Telegram bot: Manage your account, participate in subscription games with other users, and win contests.

- Screen size: Play in 4:3 format and adjust the resolution to your liking.
- Priority: Set the priority of the process to improve the work of the neural network.
- Refresh rate: Use frame interpolation to reduce load without losing smoothness.
- Mouse Movement: Use KmBox*, drivers, and other mouse emulation methods.
- Screen Capture: Switch between screen capture methods, including capture card support*.
- Your PC: Displays information about the graphics card, processor, and monitor for diagnosis.
- Version information: Displays the download speed, build date, and version.