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Buy a working private Wallhack cheat for the royal PUBG game

You can buy an MH cheat for the ESCAPE game online on our website

Cheat system Requirements

Supports only Windows 10, 11;
Supported Game mode: No frames;
Team Proof: The cheat is not visible when starting the stream / showing the screen;
Supported processors: Intel / AMD.
Client's game: Steam.
The functionality of the MH cheat
  • Players
  • Bots
  • Cars/Transport
  • AirDrop
  • Corpses
  • Skeleton
  • Weapons in hand
  • Visibility Check (Visible Check)
  • The drawing distance of the loot
  • Player rendering distance


  • Weapon parts (Modules)
  • Cartridges
  • Bulletproof vests
  • Painkillers
  • Backpacks
  • Silencers
  • Weapon
  • Helmets
  • Grenades
  • Medicine
  • Optics


  • Displaying players
  • Changing the radar position
  • Scaling the radar


  • Fully customizable colors for all categories from the ESP tab


  • KeyBindings (The ability to reconfigure keyboard shortcuts in software)
  • Alignment of labels in the display (texts do not overlap each other)
  • Shadow under the text (on/off) to improve readability

MH for the PUBG game is a good, up-to-date cheat that is equipped with a set of visual features. You will see enemies hiding behind walls, obstacles, and objects. Display all the necessary loot. Collect a powerful invincible fighter. Thanks to the radar, no one will go unnoticed. Even those who will try to approach from behind. It is not necessary to run straight at the enemy. To win, it is enough to avoid fierce battles based on the information received from the software.