Please note! Currently, only the emulator bypass works! An internal cheat in the program is being updated.
The long-awaited program that many have been waiting for. Impact Bypass for PUBG Mobile provides a unique opportunity. Sitting in front of the computer, running the Gameloop emulator, you can fight against those who are in battle with phones. In a good way, you won't even need a cheat. Because the mouse and keyboard are much easier to handle than getting your fingers on the phone screen.
A cheat is built into Impact. But it will be finished, redone and improved many times. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to write anything about them. At the time of publication of the article, it is raw.
Yes, it will show the enemies, the distance, move the mouse cursor to the specified part of the enemy's body. But all this will be extremely mediocre. Impact is mainly used in conjunction with other programs. This option is possible, I personally have not tried to launch it, but I know that it is sold in conjunction with other programs. In the same article, I sell the emulator bypass. The cheat comes as a bonus!
The crawl is compatible with many cheats. It can be combined.